Saturday, September 8, 2007


by Christian "Mayor McCheese" McHausenstern

It's been a long time since I unholstered my pad and pen and wrote an actual opinion piece. I've been on the beat friends. I've been on the circuit, covering the stories you love, and the men you love to hate. I'm writing this particular article because I think it's about time we addressed an over-arching truth to the upcoming RUMBLE IN TRUMBLE. Tracey Dix must deliver.
Now far be it for me to challenge the popular point of view, but I am not entirely convinced by Dix yet. We have seen over the years one wrestler dominating another, only to find failure against the field. Certainly Captain America had trouble with very few people, but ask him about his battles with R.D. Iguana (i draw the distinction because of the tenacity I feel that R.D. brought as opposed to Phil). Certainly Tracey has proven he can defeat David Finn. This is no small accomplishment. As the longest reigning EWF United States Heavyweight Champion David Finn beat everyone who came his way. Until Tracey Dix.
I wonder how strange it is for the young man to see a federation where David Finn has taken a leave of absence. A trip to Ireland is how he explained it in a quiet press conference. Going back home. The distance between Finn and Dix is true for both men. Dix is not a fixed point yet. The opponent he was able to defeat for the title is gone, and he can no longer define himself with that victory. This next challenge, against the mentally if not wrestling challenged Billy Berkowitz looms.
This reporter would like to see Tracey Dix win. I do in fact expect Tracey Dix to win, I just believe that the challenge is greater than is being reported. We've had paper champions before, as insulting as that statement might be. We've had more than one. It is my sincere hope that we continue to have champions that hold and honor our sport with their reigns. But hope is hope, and wrestling wrestling. For all the talk about who hung Jekel Vudrag, and Han Zo Mon's involvement or lack thereof, or current MIA status, it is my belief that the title match remains the biggest match on the card. Do we have the beginning of an enobling title reign, one which sustains the slight cockiness and sanctimony of the young man the fans love. Or do we see him falter, dropping the title, falling to obscurity, and praying for "The Foil" David Finn.
Tracey Dix must deliver.

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